Her Lucky Break
Ihrke continued to pursue modeling gig after modeling gig. She later joined Loop Rock Girl, an annual competition hosted by the largest classic rock radio station in Chicago. “I ended up winning the competition, and when it got close to my term being over, the station asked if instead of me being the ‘2013 Loop Rock Girl’ that I remain the Loop Rock Girl from here on out! I was able to turn a temporary gig into my permanent job!” she informed G.I. Jobs.

Her Lucky Break
The Loop Rock Girl
As the Loop Rock Girl, she made a name for herself in the industry. She went on to earn more fans as she appeared at events and posed for the cameras. She explained, “Every year I make a new Loop Rock Girl calendar, model for lots of photo shoots, attend tons of radio station events, maintain my social media accounts as well as create a weekly blog, I talk on our station’s morning show regularly… It’s honestly the best job.”

The Loop Rock Girl