This Is What Happens When You Stick Your Head Into A Particle Accelerator

Published on 05/05/2019

This Is What Happens

When you do get radiation sickness, keep in mind that the effects are generally unpleasant. The first thing that happens would be the rapid division of cells in the intestines and the death of bone marrow. This is known as the prodromal phase. This is when you experience things similar to flu symptoms such as diarrhea, fatigue, fever, sweating, and vomiting. We feel sorry for everyone who goes through this. A more severe full body exposure, somewhere like 20 to 30 grays, will immediately lower the blood pressure and induce “explosive diarrhea”. It becomes more and more painful until death comes for the victim. However, what will happen with narrowly focused but more intense exposure?

This Is What Happens

This Is What Happens


Back And Front Of His Head

The proton beam that passed Bugorski’s skull entered through the back and left through the nose. As you might imagine, he felt a burning sensation right away. Aside from that, the area on the back of the skull immediately lost all the hair on it. The same goes for the area where it exited. His face started to rapidly swell after the exposure as well. This is actually fairly common when one suffers an excessive dose of radiation. For Bugorski, his face was exposed to so much radiation it became so unrecognizably swollen. After this, he was rushed to a hospital to get medical assistance.

Back And Front Of His Head

Back And Front Of His Head