Snaps We Can’t Help But Laugh At

Published on 08/25/2022

Not Lying, But Not Telling The Whole Truth

We must admit, this sign isn’t exactly telling lies, but it isn’t saying the entire truth either. In essence, chickens begin as eggs. Eggs certainly don’t have bones inside, so we have to give credit to the loophole here. 35 cents for boneless chicken seems like a good deal, until you see the “boneless chicken”.

Not Lying, But Not Telling The Whole Truth

Not Lying, But Not Telling The Whole Truth


Ominous Message

Aren’t fortune cookies meant to display motivational messages? Perhaps they aren’t meant to bring up the negative aspects of human nature. I’m starting to wonder if this fortune cookie factory worker has any dark secrets that we should investigate.

Ominous Message

Ominous Message