Charity For Haiti
Of course, we know how successful Travolta has been over the years, but he’s also been extremely fast to donate some of his wealth to any charity in need.

Charity For Haiti
Thus, back when Haiti suffered a terrible earthquake, Travolta stepped up. He filled his 707 with necessary, lifesaving supplies and doctors to fly over. When commenting on this, he explained he felt an immense responsiblity to aid in whatever way he could by giving whatever contributions he could to charity. Therefore, he put his airplane to use! What a kind man!
Devastating Loss
It hasn’t been all rainbows and butterflies for this actor. Unfortunately, Travolta and his family suffered the loss of his oldest child, Jett.

Devastating Loss
The family was on vacation in 2009, when eldest son Jett had a seizure that caused him to stumble and fatally hit his head on the bathtub. Jett, who was diagnosed autistic and also had Kawasaki disease throughout his childhood, was just 16 years old when he passed away. Travolta has said this death was the single worst thing in his entire life.