Print Shop
Jaycee was the graphic artist for Phillip at his print shop. Customers interacted with Jaycee, who had access to the business email and phone, but no one suspected her true identity. Additionally, Garrido has a blog called, “God’s Desire Church.”
It was on that site that he boasted of the power to control sound through his mind. He even requested people, like his customers, to come forward with witness testimonials.
Garrido’s Backyard
In what police referred to as Garrido’s secondary backyard, it is believed that Jaycee was being held in some sheds during 2009. One of these sheds was soundproofed so Garrido could record himself singing romantic country and also religious songs. He also had two homemade tens back there.
Police also uncovered a camp-style toilet and shower. The entire area was concealed by a 6 foot fence and tall trees and shielded with a tarpaulin.