The Hole In Your Lollipop Stick
Blowing into the lollipop stick and pretending it was a whistle is a pretty common thing that children do. Believe it or not, the hole in the stick was not added for entertainment. Lollipop starts out as melted candy, which is poured into molding. Some melted candy seeps into the hole. When it hardens, the candy does not move.
The Letter Arrangement On Your Keyboard
Non-alphabetized computer keyboards are a remnant of the typewriter keyboard. At first, the keys on the typewriter were in alphabetical order. However, typists got so used to them that they typed really fast and caused the key arms in typewriters to become stuck. That is why the keys were rearranged. These days, everybody is used to non-alphabetized keyboards, which is probably why nobody has gone back to the alphabetized ones.