Soft Pink And Blue Hues
If we want to use these colors, we should use delicate pink and blue tints in our designs. Pink should be worn with a complementary color, such as rose gold, whereas blue can be worn with a range of ensembles, albeit a dark navy blue rather than a light tint is recommended.

Soft Pink And Blue Hues
Using Too Many Colors And Patterns
Even though we earlier stated that we did not need to match the items in our home, having too many different designs and colors in our home would make it appear cluttered and unappealing. We should make a concentrated effort to stick to a color scheme that incorporates a specific pattern. It may be tough to keep order if the colors of our walls, drapes, bed linens, and furnishings are all different. While mixing patterns and colors is okay, we should avoid going overboard.

Using Too Many Colors And Patterns