Unedited Historical Pics That Will Rock Your World

Published on 06/17/2019

Nuclear Attack Drill In Schools

This photo was taken in 1951 during the Cold War, as there was an ongoing threat of a nuclear war. American schoolkids were being taught to “duck and cover” in case the bomb was dropped on the United States. It’s a scary thought that they thought ducking under their desks in school would protect them if this bomb got dropped on their city, but it’s better than nothing, I guess.

Nuclear Attack Drill In Schools

Nuclear Attack Drill In Schools


Harley And Davidson On Their Bikes

Arthur Davidson and William Harley grew up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where they had been best friends since early childhood. In 1903, they designed their first motorbike together. Similarly to how the Wright Brothers changed the way we see air travel today, Harley and Davidson changed bikes. Their whole concept was to create a motorized bike without pedals, and clearly it was a hit!

Harley And Davidson On Their Bikes

Harley And Davidson On Their Bikes