Chow Down On These Nutritious Super Foods For A Healthier Heart

Published on 06/02/2019

Brazil Nuts

When it comes to South American nuts, Brazil nuts are probably the tastiest of the lot. It is great to know that the superfood comes with good fats and various other nutrients and antioxidants. Clearly, Brazil nuts would not even be here if they are not going to do your heart any good. Snack on!

Brazil Nuts

Brazil Nuts


Fatty Fish

True enough, the average person would not think adding fatty fish to their diet would translate to better health. However, the name is nothing more than a misnomer because this kind of fish boasts of many health benefits. The following are classified as fatty fish: mackerel, tuna, herring, lake trout, and salmon. They all come with omega-3 fatty acids, so any and all of them will lower cholesterol and boost heart health.

Fatty Fish

Fatty Fish