Tupac Shakur – Died at 25
This snapshot was taken before Tupac Shakur died, an American rapper and actor who died at the age of 25. It was said that the rapper was involved in a rivalry between East Coast, West Coast rappers and he was murdered in a drive-by shooting. Until now, his murder remains to be unsolved and there are many conspiracy theories surrounding his death. One of these theories suggests that Tupac had actually faked his own death.These claims are circulating as there have been several people claiming they had sighted Tupac.

Tupac Shakur Died At 25
Mark Twain – Died at 75
Before his real death, Mark Twain became more famous for this line, “The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated” when he was still abroad and an obituary had been mistakenly published. Mark Twain is the author of popular literary books such as”The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” and “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,” We still honor him by discussing his books but here we see a photo taken the same month before he died due to a heart attack.

Mark Twain Died At 75