You probably loved your birthday when you were little! Usually, the younger folks cannot wait for their special day to arrive. After all, what other day of the year can they claim their own? Even though this cannot be the farthest thing from the truth right now, nothing is more exciting than growing older when you are young. Kids with divorced parents sometimes get to hold two birthday celebrations as well. This was what it was like for Kelsey Frederick, the star of our story and daughter of Christin and Schaffen… Let us find out exactly what happened on her big day.
Two Parties For One Teenage Girl
The first thing you must know is that Kelsey Frederick was turning 13 years old! This means that she was going to be a teen at long last. She could not wait for the two birthday parties she was going to have. She has gotten used to this over the years.

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Thirteen Queen
She hoped that this was going to be a special age for her. Since it was such a special day, she thought that it was important to kick it off in the right way. What could a girl her age want to do for her big day?

Thirteen Queen