Mother Was Horrified Upon Seeing Her Baby With Scratches On Her Face

Published on 12/22/2020

Going Viral

On social media, the couple even decided to publish the video. Of course, they went viral and frightened so many internet users. However, there were still skeptics because many people did not believe that the video revealed any type of spirit. If you’re part of this group of individuals, wait until you see the clear, logical conclusion to what the couple reported.

Going Viral

Going Viral



The Skeptical Inquirer’s Kenny Biddle provided some of his own insight, “There’s something else I noticed right away – the ghost was casting a shadow, two actually. To me, this means that the figure is a solid, physical object able to reflect light. In the first milliseconds of the video, as the figure is moving to the left, you can see its shadow move across the ceiling right by the ceiling fan.”

