28. University of Dayton: Welcome Stadium
Dayton Flyers’ home has a high school vibe as Dayton, Ohio’s high school football teams, who still play here today, built Welcome Stadium in 1949. When the stadium improved by $400,000 in 2008, a press box was added, but Welcome has limited concessions and two cookie-cutter grandstands with metal bleachers. Fans say the stadium—with a capacity of only 11,000—is dated and needs work. But parking is never a problem for flyers, at least because thousands of parking spots surround welcome Stadium.

28. University of Dayton: Welcome Stadium
27. Jacksonville University: D.B. Milne Field
Jacksonville, Florida
You would think that a school would have a proper grandstand in Jacksonville, Florida’s largest city by both population and land area, but it took until 2014 to add any formal seating here. D.B. Milne, before the renovation, only offered concrete steps on a short hill for fans. The press box was rather limited, and it looked old-school on the scoreboard. But even after the improvements, it’s a bit of a stretch to call this a college football “stadium.”

27. Jacksonville University: D.B. Milne Field