You Didn’t Realize How Useful Aluminum Foil Was Until You Saw These Home Hacks

Published on 07/01/2019

Increasing the Lifespan of Batteries

Do you like to settle in and watch some television when you get home after a long day at work? However, there are times when you want to switch a different channel. Unfortunately, it would not work if there is no juice left in the battery. Oops.

Increasing The Lifespan Of Batteries

Increasing The Lifespan Of Batteries

Are you aware that some tin foil will make things better? How you ask? Placing a ball of foil on both sides of the battery will make it last longer. This should add a couple of days to the battery’s lifespan!


Dealing with Dirt or Rust

If you are going to attend a meeting, there is a good chance that you want to look as presentable as you possibly could. After putting on your best shirt, you then notice that it is more wrinkled than you want it to be! What should you do? You need to get the iron working, of course, but this is not doable when its surface is rusted over.

Dealing With Dirt Or Rust

Dealing With Dirt Or Rust

There is no need to worry because you only need to get an aluminum foil sheet from the kitchen. Just roll it into a small ball and then scrub it on the surface of your heated iron. This will work to get the dirt out of it. Who cares about a scratch or two when you get a clean shirt in return?