You Didn’t Realize How Useful Aluminum Foil Was Until You Saw These Home Hacks

Published on 07/01/2019

Improve Outdoor Lighting

Plants are not the only ones that need lighting. Humans also need it! A lot of people tend to overlook this when it comes to the front or back porch. Don’t forget to give your outdoor areas the treatment it deserves. Foil can help you out here.

Improve Outdoor Lighting

Improve Outdoor Lighting

What can you do it with? For one thing, it can make for a pleasant decoration. Not only can it become a nice-looking ornament, but it will distribute the light in a better way too. Give your garden a glow-up!


No More Plant Tangles

If you want your seeds to grow all right, you should put foil around the plant babies. That is not enough, however. Read on to see how you should deal with them afterward.

No More Plant Tangles

No More Plant Tangles

You need to put in some elbow grease if you want to grow some beautiful plants. What can you do to guarantee that it grows strong and healthy? Put the plants into containers, place some foil over it, and then make holes in it. This will let the plant keep water for longer, so you don’t need to water as often.