You Didn’t Realize How Useful Aluminum Foil Was Until You Saw These Home Hacks

Published on 07/01/2019

Putting the Sparkle Back into your Jewelry

Jewelry is a great way to complete your outfit. However, you have to clean it on the regular to make it as effective as possible. The question now is this: do you really want to scrub and rub using foul-smelling chemicals all the time? We doubt the answer is yes.

Putting The Sparkle Back Into Your Jewelry

Putting The Sparkle Back Into Your Jewelry

Wait until you hear how easy it is when you have some tin foil. You only need to put your necklace or what-have-you in soapy water and slip in some tin foil. Your jewelry will shine, we promise!


Antifreeze Paintbrush Covers

It is impossible to finish painting the walls in a room in one sitting. This is even harder if you are going about it alone. It’s a good idea to take some time to breathe and rest here and then. But are you supposed to just let the brush sit there and dry out while you are doing this?

Antifreeze Paintbrush Covers

Antifreeze Paintbrush Covers

Of course not! However, you will have a much easier time picking up where you left off when you wrap the brush in foil first. Aluminum boasts of antifreeze properties, so taking a break will not be a hassle.