You Didn’t Realize How Useful Aluminum Foil Was Until You Saw These Home Hacks

Published on 07/01/2019

Insect Protection with Enhanced Plant Growth

It is a truth universally acknowledged that you hate bugs if you care about your plants. The insects will wreak havoc on your garden if you do not do something about it. Did you know that aluminum foil is going to be useful when it comes to this problem?

Insect Protection With Enhanced Plant Growth

Insect Protection With Enhanced Plant Growth

Bacteria and insects will all be terrified when you put some aluminum foil in the garden. Not only that, but it is also a great way to ensure that they get all the sunlight they need. Why? Foil is great at spreading the sunlight in the area that it is in.


A Helping Hand for Santa

Anyone who has any grasp of the most basic chemistry will know that aluminum is great if you are dealing with high heat levels. This is the reason you should start using tin foil if you want to prevent the fireplace from getting too messy every time that you start a fire. You can actually keep all the soot, muck and ash away with it!

A Helping Hand For Santa

A Helping Hand For Santa

You can create your very own temporary layer by piling on a couple of layers of foil sheets. After putting the fire out, you just need to throw it away.