Hilarious Fishing Photos Were Glad Were Caught On Camera
Ah… fishing. What can beat the feeling of hopping onto a boat, going into the open waters, opening a can of beer, and releasing a line out in the open? We can’t think of a better way to spend our afternoon, though the people you will find in this gallery might not feel the same way. Who can blame them? Their fishing day did not go as expected, after all.
Fishing is filed under the “think little, do little” category of hobbies and some people simply do not possess the patience for it. It is true that it requires plenty of determination, though it does have the potential to be soothing and therapeutic as well. Don’t be fooled into thinking that this means fishing is easy, however, because it might just end up becoming the most frustrating thing you will ever experience. Can you imagine hanging out on a bridge for hours on end with a line out in the water and not so much as a tiny tug? However, this might not matter all that much if you bring along the right people with you. With cold beer and excellent conversation, a day of fishing with your friends might be the best thing in the world no matter the amount of fish you catch. Mind you, this does not mean that fishing by your lonesome will not be as rewarding – au contraire. As a matter of fact, I’ll have you know that my favorite fishing trips took place with nothing but me, my fishing pole, and quality booze. That was the life!
Let’s move on to other things. Bait is one of the most important equipment you need in this endeavor. Worms are particularly famous in the fishing world but don’t forget that there are other options that people never even considered. Nope, we are not referring to anything as fancy as strawberries and cream. Innovative individuals have discovered that it is just as effective to use bubblegum, dog food, canned meat, and raisins!
The gallery is full of all things related to fishing. There are plenty of funny photos here but there is no lack of ingenious ones as well. We’ll leave you to decide which one is which since we all have different standards! Regardless, we hope you are ready to double over in laughter as you take a look at these folks and their epic fishing moments!
Tough Choice
He definitely deserves the ‘catch of the day’ award, though it wasn’t all fun and games for him. After all, he must have had a hard time choosing between the two which one to make into dinner and which one to cook it with!

Tough Choice