The Unbelievable Happened As Rescuers Tried To Lure A Stray Dog From Beneath A Car

Published on 09/24/2020

Getting In The Cage

They were surprised but pleased by how easily Rain entered the cage. Not only that, but she also looked a lot more comfortable there. She could probably relax now that she knew she was in good hands. They had no idea what truly made her breathe easily, but it looked like she was finally calming down.

Getting In The Cage

Getting In The Cage


Checking It Out

It could have been the sight of Carey or all the pillows in the cage. At any rate, it made things so much easier for Eldad and Loreta. They were glad to see that she was making progress. Everyone watched the dog as she sniffed around the cage and took in the sight of the people responsible for her rescue.

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Checking It Out