Higher Chances
Seeing as both Nia and Robert’s families have a history of multiple births, it makes sense that Nia would have a high chance of multiple births as well. There are some indications that one will have multiple-birth pregnancies such as being overweight, being taller than average, and being African-American. Nia was the only one who knew the exciting news so far.

Higher Chances
Coming Up With A Plan
Nia was thinking about how she would share the exciting news with her husband Robert. Since she was going to Tampa, Florida for the weekend, Nia decided that she would leave Robert with a goodbye gift that he would only discover once she was away. She set up a picture of her long sonogram where the three babies were marked clearly. In addition to the sonogram, she lied out three onesies and a note asking Robert to “please accept this gift from her and God.”

Coming Up With A Plan