A Cute Photo Shoot
Nia makes sure she records all the latest milestones and tracks the growth of each of her kids every step of the way. So every few weeks she does a super cute photo shoot. When the girls were nearly 12 weeks, she shared this adorable collage of all three girls wearing matching pink onsies that said “I’m adorable; Mom’s beautiful; Daddy did good.” It seemed everyone loved their snap as much as us and it was flooded with loving comments from their followers about how fast the girls were growing up. Many commented that the girls look so much like Nia and the boys look so much like Robert.

A Cute Photo Shoot
Picture Perfect
Robert and Nia can’t be certain about what the exactly future holds for their family, but they really are so grateful for the six little blessings that they received. Their children also received the best set of parents they could ask for too! Whilst some other couples might have gone into panic mode when they discovered the news that after twins they were having triplets, the Tolberts seemed to take everything in their stride. This is because they see pregnancy as blessing and part of God’s plan. So despite their challenges, the Tolberts as they seem to have the best attitude to life and the family seem so happy. We can’t wait to see what else is in store for them!

Picture Perfect