Day by Day
When people asked Nia if she had a game plan, she simply replied “There is no real plan. We have no idea how it’s going to go.” The only thing the couple could do was to take everything day by day and trust in God that everything would work out the way it should be. Robert said that “God chose us. We didn’t know this would be our lives, but we’re embracing it wholeheartedly, and we’re going to do the necessary things to make sure our kids are equally loved.” So what exactly did the happy couple do to make it all work?

Day by Day
It Takes a Village
Thankfully, Nia and Robert had the full support of their family, friends and neighbors, and said they couldn’t have done it without their help. Maybe it’s true that it does in fact take a village to raise your children? Well Robert and Nia did have half a dozen children, so they needed as much support as possible! Nia still managed to take everything in her stride though and explained, “we’re not too concerned. I know we’re not going to sleep for a couple years, our grocery bill is going to go up, and our house is not going to be quiet and that’s OK.”

It Takes a Village