Due Date Approaching
The due date for Nia and Robert’s babies was supposed to be February 9th, but since they were having triplets, nothing could be certain for the couple. A few weeks before Nia’s due date, she started to feel contractions, but since they usually came and went, she started to brush them off. That all changed one day when Nia felt some that “were about five minutes apart and started getting closer, so decided to call my mom.” Even when she spoke to her mom, Nia still just believed she would be “going to go to the hospital and [that] they’ll probably send me home. It happens every pregnancy.”

Due Date Approaching
A Trip To The Hospital
When Nia and Robert arrived at the hospital, they just expected the doctors would send them home again that day. But pregnancies are always unpredictable, and the doctor surprised them both with the news that Nia was “going to have the babies today.” Understandably, Nia was in a state of shock and started to frantically ask where her own doctor was. Before she had a chance to think, her doctor entered the room just as her water broke. It was like it was all meant to be, and the triplets were finally on their way! As the news began to sunk in that the babies were coming, everyone braced themselves for a long night ahead, just praying that Nia and the babies would all be ok and healthy.

A Trip To The Hospital