The Confrontation
One evening, Ed and Mabel were called to the ship’s office. They had been expecting this moment for some time, but when it finally came, it still caught them off guard. The captain and a few officers sat them down, explaining that the crew had noticed their prolonged presence. The couple was calm, knowing that their decade-long journey might be coming to an end. They had prepared for this, but it still stung to face the truth.

The Confrontation
A Confession of Sorts
When asked how long they had been aboard, Ed and Mabel shared their story. They hadn’t planned to stay forever, but one year had turned into two, and two into ten. Life on the ship had become their reality, a never-ending vacation where they didn’t have to worry about bills, medical appointments, or family obligations. The captain listened with a mix of disbelief and amusement as they explained how they had survived unnoticed for so long.

A Confession of Sorts