The Crew Begins to Notice
As whispers among the crew grew louder, more staff members began keeping an eye on Ed and Mabel. The waiters noticed they had been dining for months without ever leaving, and the entertainment staff recognized their faces from shows spanning many voyages. Curiosity turned to suspicion, and soon, the couple was under quiet surveillance. Still, Ed and Mabel remained oblivious, continuing their routine as they always had, unaware that their secret was unraveling.

The Crew Begins To Notice
Connecting the Dots
It didn’t take long for the crew to connect the dots. One officer began reviewing passenger records and noticed the couple had never officially disembarked. Their names weren’t on any recent passenger manifests, yet they still occupied a cabin. The officer quietly brought the matter to the attention of his superiors. What started as an innocent observation by a laundry cleaner had turned into a full-blown investigation into how the couple had managed to stay undetected.

Connecting The Dots