Refreshing Change
Seeing someone so positive, free-spirited and genuine in the midst of an industry not exactly known for authenticity has been very refreshing for many. No matter what, Chrissy Metz is honest and sweet-natured and wiling to share personal experiences in interviews.

Refreshing Change
Throughout the years, Chrissy Metz has gone through a big transformation, from someone crippled by insecurity to a blossoming, confident woman and television star.
Tough Childhood
Just like Kate on This Is Us, Chrissy has been battling her weight since she was young. Chrissy Metz told The Hollywood Reporter, “I was born chubby, and as I got older, at different times in my life I was thinner or more active or playing sports, but I was definitely always a chubbier kid.

Tough Childhood
My friends could eat whatever they wanted to, but I knew that as a kid if I ate certain things I would totally gain weight. I had to be really cognizant of what I ate.”