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Sadly, Chrissy Metz has had to face some harsh criticism, as other celebrities in the spotlight do. When she attended the 2017 MTV Movie and TV Awards, the internet was full of mean comments about her gorgeous red latex dress.

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Yet, Chrissy Metz responded to her haters with a bold tweet saying, “For the record, I wear what I want, when I want. News flash it’s MY body. #thankstho.”
Dreams Of Singing
It’s not just weight loss struggles that Kate and Chrissy have in common. Actually, Chrissy Metz also loves singing and has been singing since she was a child. Like Kate, she also dreamt of pursuing a career in music. Metz said, “Like Kate, I never really was encouraged to sing, but always wanted to.

Dreams Of Singing
It’s like my dreams are really coming true.” Also Metz responded to the possibility of singing a duet on the show with costar Mandy Moore, saying, “To potentially sing with my TV mom would be incredible!”