50+ Historic B&W Photos Restored In Color

Published on 10/13/2021

Brigitte Bardot At The Pinnacle Of Her Career

Brigitte Bardot was considered to be the most attractive lady on the planet at one point in time. The actress contributed to the performance’s ability to cast a spell on the audience. The actress was one of the most well-liked women of the 1950s and 1960s. Her celebrity has made it impossible for her to maintain any sense of privacy. When she goes to a restaurant, a terrace, or the theatre, the actress says she never has to wait for attention from anyone.

Brigitte Bardot At Her Peak

Brigitte Bardot At Her Peak


On A Foggy Day, Arsenal Goalie Jack Kelsey

Arsenal’s Jack Kelsey can be seen gazing into the fog in this photograph. This photograph has been incorrectly credited to having been taken on Christmas Day in 1937 on numerous occasions. On a foggy day, the Chelsea and Stamford School soccer teams competed in a soccer game. At Stamford Bridge, there was no announcer to inform the goalkeeper that the game had been called.

Arsenal Goalie Jack Kelsey On A Very Foggy Day

Arsenal Goalie Jack Kelsey On A Very Foggy Day