Bride Gets The Best Revenge On Her Fiance When She Finds Out He’s Been Unfaithful

Published on 05/07/2019

Lesson Learned

While this was a difficult ordeal to go through, we can’t help but think about the lesson Casey must have learned in the process: make sure to take care of yourself first before others. It sounds somewhat self-centered, we know. Let us explain. There is a saying on the matter, “You can’t pour from an empty cup”. It applies to self-care as well. If someone puts themselves last and only focuses on helping others, who will be there to help them?

Lesson Learned

Lesson Learned


Next Time

The one and only thing we hope for Casey in her future is finding the right person for her. And by that, we mean the correct man for her. Next time around, surely she’ll be with the perfect one for her and finally get the happy ending she wanted so badly.

Next Time

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