Ranking Of The Best And The Worst Bottled Water Brands

Published on 11/04/2021

Poland Spring

In this case, the name is not deceptive. A genuine spring water source, Poland Spring is drawn from several springs throughout the state of Maine. It is true that you are actually drinking groundwater from the Northeast! It was originally sourced from a spring in the town of Poland, but demand has grown to such an extent that they now have to rely on a number of springs throughout Maine. In spite of the fact that Nestlé produces its own bottled water-bearing the company’s name, Nestlé Waters is the parent corporation of 51 distinct brands and the largest bottled water company in the world. Poland Spring, Ozarka, Deer Park, San Pellegrino, Perrier, Zephyrhills, and other brands are owned by the corporation.

Poland Spring

Poland Spring


Eternal Water

Eternal Water is yet another bottled spring water that touts the water’s natural filtering through layers of “ancient rock” as one of its main selling points. During the process of rolling around all of those rocks, it absorbs a significant amount of minerals, which are immediately noticeable when you take a sip. It doesn’t have much of an aftertaste, but the initial burst of flavors gives it the flavor of a water fountain in elementary school. Although many corporations make claims to the contrary, spring water is not typically “bottled right at the source.” In fact, the company will pump the water out of the tank and into a tanker truck, which will then be transported to a bottling plant. For transportation purposes, the water is chlorinated; it is then dechlorinated at the facility.

Eternal Water

Eternal Water