Ranking Of The Best And The Worst Bottled Water Brands

Published on 11/04/2021


One thing I can say about Dasani is that it is reliable and consistent if nothing else. You can drink it cold or warm, straight from the bottle or poured into a glass, and it will taste exactly the same either way. Aside from that, it’s similar to drinking regular tap water in most cases. This staple of the vending machine will almost certainly have you reaching for the Diet Coke button instead. At the very least, if you do consume a bottle of Dasani, you will feel a little better about yourself. Dasani bottles are partially made of plants, according to the company. The corporation claims that by using plant material to make up 30 percent of the bottle, they are “assisting in the reduction of environmental impact by reducing our carbon footprint on the planet.”





Are you prepared for a mouthful? Penta purified water has been described as “purity perfected.” Penta water, according to the label, is produced through a patented 13-step process that takes 11 hours to complete. After all that, it’s important to drink plenty of water. In any case, the California-based company claims to have the lowest levels of heavy metals, salts, and organic compounds of any bottled water available on the market, and this is true at the very least. While that claim may be correct, don’t believe any of the other exaggerated claims made about Penta. They have been the subject of numerous lawsuits in the past based on false claims that the water provided health benefits in excess of those provided by ordinary water. Penta’s reputation has suffered as a result of all of his deceptions.

