Without a doubt, these stories of caring and kind instructors warmed our hearts. Who, after all, wouldn’t be moved by what these instructors did? This brings us to our next scenario, in which the instructor was not as nice as the previous ones we’ve discussed. Kamdyn Piland’s parents were anxious when he returned home from school, teary-eyed and distressed. As they tried to figure out what was wrong with the tiny child, the 2nd-grader tried to make light of the situation and shrug it off. His parents persisted in questioning him about what was hurting him until he eventually handed them a piece of paper with a harsh remark from his instructor scribbled on it.
Unhelpful Piece Of Criticism
When Kamdyn’s father, Chris, received the message, he recognized that was not a nice thing to read, especially from a teacher! The message did look to be a personal assault on his son! He wasn’t going to let it go, just as any other father would after hearing a derogatory comment made at their child. Let’s see what the instructor had to say about Kamdyn after the father’s answer became widely publicized.
A Regular Kid
Kamdyn, according to Chris, is just like any other youngster. He wasn’t hyperactive, and he wasn’t hooked to video games, TV shows, or excessive sweets consumption. This is why Kamdyn’s family was caught aback when they discovered the scathing remarks put on his homework by Kamdyn’s teacher.