Paying The Psychiatrist A Visit
When you are in possession of such huge thoughts on the regular, it is inevitable that you will have people questioning the state of your mental health. Over the years, Lukyanova found herself in this very position quite a number of times. Previously, she has said that she heard voices and sees unusual visions on a regular basis. She once saw a psychiatrist about these concerns, but the professional apparently did not talk her out of her beliefs, lock her away, or place her on medication. No, he instead told her how “very lucky” she was to have come to him. Other people might not have believed her, but this psychiatrist could see something special in this woman.

Paying The Psychiatrist A Visit
New Job And New Friends
The psychiatrist she ended up going to was actually well-versed in the kind of things that occupied her mind. This is the reason he did not consider her visions to be something that required any treatment whatsoever. Instead, he told her she was in possession of a psychic gift. Thanks to this discovery, Valeria Lukyanova was able to find a group of friends who did not only share her interests but also understood why she acts the way she does. They all chant in the dark and sit in circles around the candlelight together. They are not the only ones who understand her, however. There many other people who are interested in listening to her, learning from her, and even becoming like her.

New Job And New Friends