Her Otherworldly Beliefs
A quick glance at her is all you need to know that she is one-of-a-kind. As a matter of fact, people have gone so far as the call her otherworldly. Are you even sure there is human DNA running through her? In her eyes, the conspiracy theorists might actually be on to something. Vice published a piece called Space Barbie, where she announced she is not a human being. Instead, she claims to be an otherworldly being with a few things to teach us clueless humans. She did not let go of her spirituality even when she grew out of her witch phase! This is a strong contender for her fixation with dolls. Although ‘passion’ does not truly capture what it is, she seems sure she hails from a different planet.

Her Otherworldly Beliefs
The Alien Among Us
According to her, she comes from one of our planet’s luminous neighbors. If you guessed that it was Venus, you are correct! That is what she says she remembers. Beyond this piece of information, her memory is foggy. However, she knows that she is not like anyone else on Earth. According to her, she has always experienced hyperawareness and even sees dizzying spiral visions. One report has mentioned that her own mother used chalk to draw a circle around her bed to separate her from the rest of the universe.

The Alien Among Us