The Price Of Perfection
There is no doubt in our minds that it must be exhausting to have a title as enormous and whimsical as the human Barbie. Many tend to drop the ‘human’ part of the moniker and even ignore her humanity altogether. She has expressed these concerns during interviews in the past by saying that it is hurtful to be thought of as a novelty instead of a person. Although she happens to enjoy the attention people give her for her looks, she knows that she is so much more than that. On top of this dilemma, people tend to be rude or hostile to her. There are some who have acted with evil intentions towards her.

The Price Of Perfection
Attacked On Halloween
On Halloween night in 2014, Lukyanova was in Odessa and planning to get her beauty rest when something unbelievable happened. Two assailants attacked her right outside of her house! They strangled and punched her without mercy, only stopping when a vigilant neighbor caught them in the act. She was then taken to the hospital to get her injuries treated. According to her, it all “happened so fast” that she had no way to see what was about to happen. It is incredibly sad that she has gotten used to physical threats. When they subside, she still has to deal with other ruthless critics trying to tear her down.

Attacked On Halloween