Wedding Dresses That Will Definitely Surprise You

Published on 08/25/2019

Over The Top

Rio must have been really great because she even made it the theme for her wedding. She wanted something similar to the costumes of the dancers but a bit more fabulous. Those features, sequins, and fabrics look great, but a wedding would not be the first thing you would think of when you see this ensemble.

Over The Top

Over The Top

Solo Cup Wedding Dress

You can clearly see the creativity here. Who would have thought that red Solo cups could be used for something other than being a container for your drinks? This is great if you are keen on recycling, but we definitely do not recommend using new cups in making a wedding dress. We do feel that the red and white seem a bit too holiday-like. Aside from that, we cannot figure out what is in her hands.

Solo Cup Wedding Dress

Solo Cup Wedding Dress