Wedding Dresses That Will Definitely Surprise You

Published on 08/25/2019

Blue Is In

According to traditional wedding customs, a bride should have something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue. Well this woman crossed the blue one off the list with her dress, which is quite different from most wedding dresses. She even added something blue to her hair. One thing we can say is that she is definitely not lacking in consistency.

Blue Is In

Blue Is In


Too Avant-Garde

Where do we even start with this dress? True enough, it is like other wedding gowns in several ways. It includes sleeves, a bodice, a skirt, and an underskirt, among other things. They also remembered the veil and shoes on top of all those things, but even with all the similarities, this dress looks like wild animals got their paws on it first before the big day!

Too Avant Garde

Too Avant-Garde