Joining The Amish
As previously stated, outsiders wanting to join the Amish community are met with a degree of hostility. Even said, some communities, particularly those associated with the Mennonite faith, are often open to non-Mennonites. They must, however, fulfill all of the qualifications for membership. The conditions differ based on the community, with the liberal and more moderate communities having a more relaxed policy and the conservative communities having a more rigid policy..

Joining The Amish
It’s difficult to leave the Amish community. Not the process of leaving itself, as anyone can leave at any time with complete freedom, but the consequences of leaving. If your departure is brief, the community may even welcome you back. A permanent departure, on the other hand, will result in the leaver being shunned by the community. The individual will always be regarded as an outsider and will never be permitted to fully engage in the community again. This is difficult for some Amish people since they will be outcast by their families.
