Discover The Amish People’s Amazing Culture!

Published on 01/13/2022

The Honeymoon

What about spending your honeymoon at your parents’ house instead of at a hotel? From the outside, it appears to be a rather unsettling environment. Amish cultures, on the other hand, are firmly established in their respective traditions, and this is one of them. The bride’s parents’ home will serve as the starting point for the honeymoon. To express their gratitude, the bride and groom would clean their parents’ home the next day.

The Honeymoon

The Honeymoon

The Honeymoon Continues

It is possible to have multiple separate portions to an Amish honeymoon, all of which are spread out over several different locations. After spending the first night at the bride’s parents’ house and meeting all of their relatives for the first time as husband and wife, the couple would pack up and go on to the next residence. As long as the newlywed couple does not own their own home, they will live with the bride’s parents until they are able to do so.

The Honeymoon Continues

The Honeymoon Continues