Discover The Amish People’s Amazing Culture!

Published on 01/13/2022

No Dating

It’s no surprise that the Amish exclusively marry people from their own community since they require someone who will accept their religious beliefs. It is difficult to persuade someone to completely alter their lifestyle and behaviors in preparation for marriage. The Amish society, on the other hand, has considerable constraints when it comes to courting. A person who has not been baptized in the Amish religion is not permitted to date someone who is. After being admitted into the group, you are unable to begin dating until that time. Not to mention the fact that dating takes happen only in public settings.

No Dating

No Dating

Blessed Engagement

Any significant life event in the Amish community demands careful consideration and the participation of the entire community. People cannot just get engaged and married without the consent of their families and friends. Once a couple begins dating, it doesn’t take long for them to decide to get married. When the man proposes to his girlfriend, he and his fiancee must first acquire approval from the church. After they have been blessed by the church, they are permitted to marry.

Blessed Engagement

Blessed Engagement