Increasing Population
In 1920, the Amish population in the United States was approximately 5,000 people. In today’s money, that figure translates to almost $300,000. Also noteworthy is that most of the rise occurred in the last three decades, at a time when the Amish population was only 84,000 people in 1984. The notion that God requires larger families, as well as the more concrete challenge of growing their farm labour, is credited with the rise in population.

Increasing Population
Strict Clothes Regulations
Amish attire is by definition simple and unadorned. However, while certain sects allow for the use of muted colors, the vast majority of sects dress in black and white. Because of the potential for ostentation and adornment, buttons, zippers, and velcro, as well as the use of color, are often discouraged and avoided in clothing design. Pins or hook-and-eye closures are widely used instead of zippers to close clothing.

Strict Clothes Regulations