Climate Change Has Arrived Here
The effects of climate change are causing dramatic shifts across the world. It has brought about the melting of the glaciers, which has in turn revealed the truth about the White War one hundred years later. On the glacier of Presena, not far from Mount Scorluzzo, they discovered the skeletal remains of a soldier in the year 2018. They were able to find documentation along with the remains, and as a result, they were able to locate the Italian man’s relatives and give him a burial fitting for his status. Even though it took some time, he was able to get a fitting farewell.

Climate Change Has Arrived Here
What They Found Up There
On the summit of Mount Scorluzzo, did they come across something that was equivalent to that? The fact that there was at least one Austro-Hungarian group stationed there during the height of the White War has always been known to researchers. Because of the wall of ice that used to be there, their attempts to excavate the site had been fruitless up to that point.

What They Found Up There