The Glacier Has Melted A Lot
As a result of global warming, the glacier that was once situated atop Mount Scorluzzo has melted away to a greater extent than it did in the past. In 2017, the ice melted to the degree that it made it possible to enter a cave that had previously been inaccessible. Officials from the White War Museum in Italy dispatched a group of knowledgeable individuals to investigate what was concealed within.

The Glacier Has Melted A Lot
When The Ice Disappeared
The unbelievable was made clear by the ice. They discovered military barracks that had been utilized in the past to accommodate a group of Austrian and Hungarian troops. It appears that once the conflict had been resolved, they simply exited the building after locking it and walking away from it. In point of fact, the majority of the contents were unharmed. The specialists now have a better understanding of the conditions that prevailed in the highlands during the First World War as a result of this.

When The Ice Disappeared