The Environment Was Very Hostile
“Soldiers had to fight against the extreme environment, fight against the snow or the avalanches, but also fight against the enemy,” explained Stefano Morosini, the historian of Stelvio National Park, when he spoke to CNN in May of this year. “Soldiers had to fight against the snow or the avalanches, but also fight against the enemy.” There were periods of time in which the temperature dropped to be lower than -40 degrees Fahrenheit. In addition to all of this, blizzards were raging throughout the landscape as the guys battled to make it to the peak.

The Environment Was Very Hostile
It’s Not Easy To Get Stuff Up There
It was difficult for the governments to deliver food and other supplies to all of the soldiers who were fighting on the front lines. Even though they were shivering and malnourished, the guys had to keep fighting in order to ensure their own survival. On top of that, many experts are of the opinion that the climate in that area was responsible for the deaths of more service members than in any other conflict during the war.

It’s Not Easy To Get Stuff Up There