You’ll Never Guess What They Discovered When They Melt This Alpine Glacier

Published on 06/07/2022

Mammoth Brains

The brains of wooly mammoths have been found buried beneath the ice, which is one of the more odd items that scientists have uncovered. In reality, the remains were found in the permafrost along the coast of the Laptev Sea. It appeared as though this particularly preserved mammoth was one of the very few examples of a mammoth ever found to have its brain completely unaltered. It was created approximately 39,000 years ago. The unfortunate reality, however, was that it was only a young mammoth. When it passed away, scientists estimate that it was just six to nine years old at the time.

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Mammoth Brains


Frozen Fox

Wait until you see what we’re talking about, and then you’ll understand why this is one of the findings on this list that is by far the most interesting. Even if there are some species of creatures that were designed to live in particular climates, there are instances when even they can’t survive the frigid temperatures. Unfortunately, this is what ended up happening to the fox down below. A hunter came across him as he was hiding in a lake in Germany. It would appear that he came across a wild deer as well as a wild boar before discovering the fox. It has been whispered that the preserved fox can be seen at this point in an establishment located in Germany.

Freezing Fox Found

Frozen Fox