You’ll Never Guess What They Discovered When They Melt This Alpine Glacier

Published on 06/07/2022

A Lot More To Come In The Future

The glacial archaeologists of Italy are going to have a field day thanks to the study that was done in the region of Oppland, which is located in Norway. Since 2011, a group of professionals has been doing research and development in this region of the world. Since then, they have been able to retrieve approximately 2,000 items from the area. There are some of them that go back as far as 6,000 years.

A Lot More To Come In The Future

A Lot More To Come In The Future


They Are All In Great Shape

Despite their age, the vast majority of them are still in excellent shape. The chilly weather in that region is likely to blame for this phenomenon. According to the reports, they were successful in recovering artifacts such as skis, arrows, garments, and even hunting equipment. They could have been made as recently as a few hundred years ago or as far back as the tenth century. According to an article in National Geographic magazine, this merely demonstrates how communities eventually shifted their focus away from farming.

They Are All In Great Shape

They Are All In Great Shape