What It Means For The Flora And Fauna
According to what she claimed, “some species really suffer” as a result of their adaptation to the chilly Alpine habitat. Therefore, in order to find colder temperatures and food of a greater quality, they are forced to travel to ever-higher altitudes. In addition to this, skiing and other human activities have been causing even more damage to the territory that is surrounding the mountain.

What It Means For The Flora And Fauna
Not Going To Stay Like This Forever
It would appear that this Alpine region will not continue to retain its natural state in the not-too-distant future. In spite of this, we can’t wait to discover what mysteries will be exposed in the future as a result of the continuing melting of the glaciers. We are curious as to whether or not they will get further knowledge regarding the White War. They could come across further prehistoric artifacts in addition to Ozti the Iceman.

Not Going To Stay Like This Forever