Debunking Conspiracy Theories
Although rumors spread that the task force knew the Iraqis had previously fled the location, this theory has been debunked. The conspiracy theory says the raid was staged and the Americans used blanks, not real bullets. However, weapons experts have proved that there is no evidence of blanks when reviewing the footage.

Debunking Conspiracy Theories
Doctor Reveals Truth
The day after the rescue mission, the Pentagon chose to release their footage. Yet, they also claimed Lynch sustained wounds from bullets and even stabbings. This is something both Lynch and the doctors adamently protest. When Iraqi doctors and even nurses commented, they described Lynch’s only injuries as ones from the crash. Dr. Harith Al-Houssona said her injuries were normal ones from someone who suffered from vehicle crash. His account was even confirmed at a later date by a leaked report that came to to the public in July that year.

Doctor Reveals Truth