The Deadliest Spiders

Published on 10/25/2017

Yellow Sac

Be careful when prancing around the grass because the yellow sac lives in leaves, grass and underneath stones! You can find this species in North and South America and sometimes indoors as well as outside. Their venom impairs cell function or destroys it. Commonly, you find redness and swelling in reaction to their bites, in addition to incredible pain. Unless you have an allergy to the venom, you will live through this pain to tell the tale, but you don’t want to take your chances on whether you have an allergy to this aggressive spider. Interestingly enough, the yellow sac enjoys the smell of gasoline. In fact, Mazda recalled over 50,000 cars in 2011 when yellow sacs were building webs inside of the emissions!

Yellow Sac Spider

Yellow Sac Spider


Brazilian Wandering Spider

Perhaps, the most poisonous to people, the Brazilian wandering spider can be found in fruit, especially on banana leaves, and flowers. Actually, the venom is so poisonous because it’s toxic to your nervous system. As active hunters, these spiders travel frequently and crawl into comfortable places for the night. Thus, when alarmed maybe from a disturbance by a human, they tend to bite for their own protection. Whether they inject their deadly venom depends on if they’re hurt or how threatened they feel.

Brazilian Wandering Spider

Brazilian Wandering Spider