In 2004, Carlson played on Jeopardy! while he and his family were at Wawenock Camp. While on the show, Carlson played for Camp Wawenock’s scholarship fund, which is an all girls camp for 8 to 17-year-olds. “Lillie Carlson is at UVA, Buckley is a junior at St. George’s, Hopie Carlson is in 8th grade and Dorothy is in 5th grade,” Susan once wrote in the newsletter. “Time passes too quickly. I think of you all often. How grateful I am for your energy, thoughtfulness, and enthusiasm in spreading Wawenock spirit. Wawenock Spirit never dies!”

Liberal Views
For someone who is a conservative, he actually has some liberal views, even if he says that mainstream conservatism isn’t conservative enough. Additionally, he has been a long time supporter of same-sex marriage, long before it even became law in the United States.

Liberal Views